There is a Bridge connecting Heaven & Earth. It is there animals of all sorts play
in perfect harmony, oblivious to hate, but full of love. Cats and dogs run together, a puppy gently nuzzles a ferret and a
lion sleeps with the lambs. Here is where they are, the animals we have all loved, and in great pain…..lost. But they
are never lost, and never far from our hearts.
One day a young kitten named Squeak was basking in the warm rays of
sunlight, when she heard a cry.
“Who is that sobbing?” Asked the kitten. Others gathered around, looking
down with concern. “Why…that’s my Mommy. But what is she doing down there?” Squeak tried to reach
down, but it was too far. “Why can’t I go to her?”
A beautiful German Shepherd sat gently down beside
her, and explained, “Squeaky, your Mom cries because she made a choice. This choice brought you to us, and you are
now once more perfectly healthy. Now you see, you may run and play like a normal kitten.”
must she hurt so bad? Look, there’s so many hurting parents!” Squeak glanced all around, entranced by all the
tears that fall. “Don’t they know we are all ok?”
“Yes, and that is all they wanted…for
us to be free, full of life and happy once more, but you see that choice is hard for them, because they cannot yet see us
in this light. They must wait, till it is their time. They choose this path when they bring us into their lives, somewhere
in the back of their minds…they just know.”
Squeak continued to watch, as others gathered around beside
her, watching over their families.
“Look….that’s my Mom there, and.. why….see there, she is
thinking of me, and smiling! What does this mean?” A glorious orange tabby questioned the elders.
“It means
she is healing. As time continues on, the sadder memories are replaced by your happy ones, and they come more frequently,
to battle the hurt. When the hurt subsides eventually, it never means they are forgetting us… they remember us the way
we all want them to. With love, and happiness in their hearts” Replied a little Pomeranian, with twinkling eyes.
my Mom will stop hurting so badly, and crying so much?” Squeak asked, looking up into the Shepherds eyes.
never completely stop hurting, but it aches less often. Their tears help cleanse their souls and hearts, and their healing
begins. There are days where they can smile and laugh, and others where yes, they will be in pain. It is their journey of
grief, but our journey of love is forever.” He smiled at the kitten, her eyes so inquiring and worried.
as peaceful silence invoked them, a tall figure in the distance was slowly making its way towards the Gates. A lab, who up
until this moment was chasing butterflies by the rivers edge, stopped suddenly and listened. His ears perked up, as the dawning
recognition took place. And as suddenly as that happened, he ran… with such joy in his happy prances, he greeted his
Master with multitudinous kisses, barking happily and being embraced. The others watched, silently and smiling, for they too
know their time will come. In one glorious moment, eternities intertwined…souls and hearts combined.
Squeak looked
down once more, her blue eyes searching and quietly whispered…
“Until we meet again, Mommy”
she ran off into the sunset with the others, with all the love in the world in her heart.