In Loving Memory of Squeak & Miss Kitty
Holiday Wishes
December is the best month of the year at the Rainbow
Bridge. For the dogs there is snow to romp in and the angels always have time to toss snowballs for them to chase. The cats
enjoy patting at the snowflakes as they fall, and then curling up near the fireplace for a nice winter's nap.
it is the lights that make this time so special. Winter on the Earth, their former home, is a time of lengthening darkness,
and in December candles glow all around the globe beginning with Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, and continuing on right
through the New Year's festivities. At the Bridge the glow of these candles is reflected in all of the trees, and in the hearts
of every Bridgekid as they observe the month in their own special way; with memories of the lives, and the loved ones they
left behind.
For most it is a time of quiet joy, but each year
there are always a few who draw apart.. Near to midnight, "home time" on December 24 Charlie realized someone was missing
from the Hale gathering. "I'll be right back," he told his siblings. He passed many similar groupings as he hurried down the
well worn path, many friends called out to him, but he only acknowledge the greetings with a wave and continued on. The path
ended at the Rainbow, and there he found a small group of newcomers, each sitting quietly, alone. One of these, the missing
Sandifur, was crouched at the very edge, his stumpy tail twitching rapidly, as he stared at the scene below.
"You are missing the party, little brother," Charlie said. "I don't care," replied Sandifur, "I don't like Christmas anyway.
Charlie only smiled. "I felt the same way my first year. Do you remember your very first Christmas with Mom and Dad?
Remember the new scratching tree they gave us that year, and the catnip mice? And remember all the good things we got to eat?
That was a great time, wasn't it?" Sandifur nodded, still gazing intently below. "I want to go back." "I did too, " Charlie
said, licking gently at his brother's ear. "But we can't, baby brother. This is our place now." "But it's Christmas, and Mom
and Dad miss us so much. Look, mom is lighting a candle right now, just for us and she is crying."
Eve is her time to remember, little one, but tomorrow she will pass out the presents to all of our brothers and sisters, and
she will be happy again. I want to show you something. Come with me." Together the two kiddens climbed the arch
of the Rainbow, and at the very top Charlie stopped. "Do you see that big silver cloud over there? Watch closely."
Sandifur gazed the cloud began to swirl and gradually an image came into view. The clearing where he had left his family,
and a larger gathering around the big, glowing pine tree. He could see the dogs, many more of them than when he had left,
playing fetch and tug of war, and the kiddens, so many kiddens, sleeping in a heap, their soggy catnip mice forgotten in the
Suddenly the kiddens all woke up, and the dogs ceased their play and stared into the darkness beyond
the clearing, tails wagging in greeting. And then, much to Sandifur's amazement, two humans stepped into the light." "Hurry,
Charlie, we have to go back," he said. " Mom and Dad, they're here!" "Not just yet, Sandy. That cloud is our Window into
Tomorrow. Come back with me now, and join the others. The reunion will come. We have been promised."
Sandy reluctantly
pulled his gaze away from the vision of the future, and followed Charlie. They found the others waiting for them at the base
of the rainbow. "Is it time?" Charlie asked. Terrie nodded, "They are waiting." All of the Hale Bridgekids drew together,
and looked over the edge, and along the entire length of the rainbow similar groups were gathered, all looking down at their
former homes.
Suddenly the light of a million candles from the Earth met the glow from the Rainbow Bridge. "Now,"
Charlie whispered.
In unison three words were repeated again and again,
and as they were spoken they merged with the bridge of light, flowing from the rainbow to the earth, and back again in ever
increasing brilliance, and the colors of the rainbow merged with the light. "I love you," they all said, and the love entered
every heart of the pet parents on earth, and the hearts of those who gathered at the rainbow.
"Merry Christmas,
Mom and Dad," Sandifur whispered again, watching the lights slowly fade. "I love you. I will be waiting."
"I will look
ahead for there is our tomorrow."
Marion Hale

Squeakys only Christmas picture

Christmas at the Rainbow Bridge ~ Terri Onorato
As the midnight hour approaches on Christmas Eve, a tremendous celebration begins. If you listen closely you will
hear the exuberant sound of Bridgekids preparing for the remarkable moment that comes but once a year.
Puppies romp through the tall green grass, chasing butterflies and rolling over and over until fits of giggles bring them
to a tumbling stop. The volume increases as kittens, cats, tigers and lions purr in pure delight while the wings of snow white
doves gently caress the air. The babbling brook that runs beneath Rainbow Bridge overflows onto the edge of mossy banks
and fins of treasured aquatic life quiver in anticipation of this most joyous event.
Nestled in the midst of this happy choir of Bridgekids are the littlest angel tots staring in awe at the majestic Christmas
tree adorned with flowing strands of angel hair. Effervescent, twinkling stars seesaw elegantly from the sky and land
in glorious harmony upon the stoic limbs of Heaven's most perfect Christmas tree.
Swaying to and fro in nearby rocking chairs are grandmothers, grandfathers, parents, aunts, uncles and loved ones.
The sound of their whispered lullabies permeate the air as they sing to tiny angel babies resting quietly in their arms.
Like magic the clock approaches midnight and a great stirring is heard in the distance. Each Bridgekid stops and
listens, knowing the time is near, and they choose a fleecy cloud on which to snuggle. The roar of purrs drops to barely
an audible hum, the babbling brook ripples hypnotically and the flutter of downy feathered wings fall silent.
Heaven's spirited toddlers climb expectantly upon the laps of angels while babies coo in tranquil unison. Amidst
the warm glow of candlelight, which rises from the earth below, the arms of the Bridge Keeper envelop the heavens and into
the precious hands of each child and in front of each animal a holy gift is placed.
With grand exuberance the ribbons are removed and left to fly on a tender breeze where they dissolve into showers of angel
dust. As the golden lids of these heavenly gifts are raised, an amazing aura fills the sky, reaching down to the very
core of the earth.
Ascending from each and every box is the greatest gift of all unending, unconditional, all-encompassing love. This
blessed love gently wraps itself around the cherished souls of heaven, warming their hearts with beacons of radiant light
and bringing forth from angels an exquisite chorus. As the clock strikes midnight the distance between heaven and earth
is vanished.
It is at this very moment on Christmas Eve that the Bridge Keeper, His children, angels and Bridgekids send a message to
their earthly loved ones on the wings of this unbridled love. Listening carefully with an open heart we will hear the
familiar voice of our own angel whisper softly into our ear their Christmas message...
"Let me share with you this love of mine, always and forever. When you need me know that I am here. I have not
left you for I am in your heart where I belong. Our love is eternal as is the brilliant glow of candlelight which illuminates
the path to the heavens and Rainbow Bridge. I wait patiently as do you for our inevitable and glorious reunion. I
love you, I love you, I love you."